Due todifficulties in the traditional lights dimming, high cost dimming limitation, most of the Smartlighting system can only achieve a simple switch on / off or dimming functions divided into several levelsof brightness. SCR dimming reduces the lamp brightness, but it does not reduce the overall system power.Energy-saving effect is not obvious. Its applicationsare limited, too. Because LED lamps have gooddigital dimming function, so it can easily be adjustedto achieve the brightness of LED lamps, at the sametime, the actual power consumption can be reduced. For this feature of LED lamps, we Have developed afull range of LED lighting of Hotenda CLEVER seriesSmart LED lamps. HotendaLED products combinethe precise light detection technology, quasistationaryhuman body detection technology, andLED Smart drive technology together to achieve'on-demand lighting'environment Smart control . Based on different environmental parameter for the
lights, Hotenda products can real-time control thebrightness of LED lamps to reach the extreme limit ofenergy-saving effect. Hotenda products can save energy60 to 85% comparing to the traditional lamps, and 20 to 50% to the general LED lamps without Smart

1. Automatically adjust the lighting according to ambient light brightness With the natural light into rooms, LED lamps in different locations work at different power conditions.Some lamps light 30%, some 70%, some 100%, and some 0 %. Respectively, the power consumption is30%, 70%, 100%, and 0%. Meanwhile, the illumination of each region all can meet the standardillumination level requirement, such as 300lx for offices.

2. Automatically adjust the lighting according to human body detection
LED lamps will automatically turn on if somebody stays in this area. Then the lamps automatically adjustits brightness to the set illumination value. LED lamps will automatically shut off if nobody stays in thearea or auto lower down the light brightness to the advanced set level.

3 . Adaptive / Self-fit function for the Smart driver
According to the different driving current of each LED lamp, the Smart self-fit driver can automatically adjustits total outputcurrent to ensure the driver can power one or more LED light at the same time, even each LED lampvaries in power and current. Meanwhile, all lamps are in constant current driving state.
1.Extreme Energy-savingBased on 'lighting on-demand', Hotenda Cleverenvironment Smart LED lights can significantlyreduce lighting power consumption. Compared totraditional fluorescent lamp, it can save powerenergy 60% to 85%; and to ordinary LED lights, 20% to 50 % .
2. Simple design and easy installation
By reading the relevant technical information, evenwithout specialized training, construction workerscan complete the installation easily. Following theinstallation instructions for wiring, it is easy tocomplete the system installation. Flexible, easyand safe; Wiring work is almost not needed at allfor the control functions.
3 . Low-cost for replacement
Hotenda Clever environment Smart LED lightingis an independent system. Due to no need for lots ofwiring, the ordinary traditional lighting products can be easily transformed into Smart control functionLED lighting without large sums of construction costs.
4. Reduce maintenance costs andimprove management
Hotenda Clever environment Smart LEDlighting is a fully automatic operation system.It does not require specialized personnel
management. Managers can develop thequality management idea by using the lightingcontrol systems; also, it will greatly reduce theoperation costs and maintenance funds forthe buildings5. Extend the lamp life
With Hotenda Clever environment SmartLED lighting, the product life can be two orfive times longer; basically due to lighting
power state control, soft-start, and softshutdowntechnologies.
